Journey of the 2022 Library Management System Upgrade
In Q1 2022, EduCampus began the process of planning the annual upgrade of the Library Management System. This upgrade to Koha, version 21.11 ensures that our valued client community receive and are up to date with the latest enhancements, application fixes and security patches. All client instances of Koha need to have completed their upgrades by end of Q3 2022.
The Process
The supplier, Interleaf review the changes, enhancements and proceed to test the upgraded software. In Q1 2022, Interleaf and EduCampus start engagements to start planning the upgrade for the EduCampus library clients.
EduCampus and Interleaf begin by agreeing upgrade slots for the 14 client instances of Koha. The window for upgrades generally begins in May and needs to be completed by end of October. Each upgrade consists of the following phases and timelines, UAT (2 weeks), UAT contingency (1 week), Go live, Hypercare (1 week), Transition to BAU.
Interleaf create a bank of test cases based on the new functionality and fixes in 21.11. EduCampus setup test accounts for each client site in TestRail. All supplier test cases are uploaded. Each client has the option to identify what tests are relevant to their site and have the choice to add additional or omit tests. On completion of the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) these tests are then classified as either having passed or failed. Failed test cases are logged to the supplier for review and resolution.
On completion of UAT period, the EduCampus Service Delivery team hold a UAT sign off meeting. If any obstacles to the upgrade still exist, the team then focus on removing them in time for the go-live deadline. If no obstacles exist, the UAT phase is signed off and a go-live date is confirmed. A one-week phase of Hypercare, which offers access to the project team is planned after Go Live date to ensure our clients experience a seamless transition to Business as Usual (BAU).
The Result
When the site moves into BAU, learners and librarians can enjoy all the benefits of the 21.11 upgrade such as the use of lightbox gallery to display multiple cover images and enhancements such as an additional search box on OPAC search history for filtering results.
As with all projects, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes, and the EduCampus Service team would like to extend their gratitude to all the libraries who have supported this upgrade. As of October 2022, all sites have now been updated.
For further information on this upgrade please contact our dedicated Service Liaison Officers on this project, Clodagh Kerin, clodagh.kerin@educampus.ie or Antonio Colio, antonio.colio@educampus.ie .