The theme of this year’s seminar was ‘Digital Transformation in the Higher Education and Research Sector’. It was a great day for learning, networking, and gaining insights for all who attended.

Dr. Joseph Ryan, Chairman, EduCampus Board & CEO THEA, kicked off the event by providing opening remarks on how digital transformation and the higher education sector have evolved over the past three years. This was followed by Paddy Naughton, CEO of EduCampus, who outlined the critical role of EduCampus in empowering our client community with its digital transformation agenda.
After that, our keynote speakers contributed their expertise and experiences from various backgrounds:
Ronan Laffan Head of Advisory Services, Version 1 presented his topic on some of the Key Challenges Facing the Higher Education Sector.
Jason Miles-Campbell, Director of Jisc Scotland and Jisc Northern Ireland then shared his insights on Jisc’s journey in supporting its members on their digital transformation journey – from Learning and Teaching Reimagined in 2020, to current work on establishing a post-pandemic digital transformation framework.
Finally, Gavin Barber, Deputy Director of Academic & Student Administration at Oxford Brookes University spoke from the business-side perspective, with his presentation “Turn and face the strange: taking business users on a digital change journey”. He described the experience of taking a leadership role in a system change programme where the primary challenges are around people, practice, change readiness, and communication – as well as technology itself.
All the presentations were insightful and thought-provoking, giving the audience a fresh perspective on Digital Transformation in the Higher Education and Research Sector, which sparked an informative debate during the live panel discussion.
Fionnuala Lambert, COO of EduCampus, closed the event by thanking the attendees for their participation. She also stressed the importance of implementing the concepts and ideas discussed during the seminar.