A highly knowledgeable group of Banner users from the various Admissions, Examinations and Registry teams across the sector, met to discuss all things Banner, supported by EduCampus and our supplier DXC.

The day started with the Chair, Patrick Brophy, IADT, welcoming the attendees to the event.
Elena Iskreva, DXC then presented on the DXC Release Management Cycle, DXC Team Continuous Improvement, and planned improvements coming to the Dynamics ticket logging portal.
Michael Walsh, EduCampus gave a presentation from the Project Team on the available functionality under Master Framework Agreement, and an overview of the SRMS project roadmap with both a view of the sectoral vs on-demand rollouts. He also mentioned the current projects in hand, as well as upcoming projects such as Mergers.
Outgoing IBUG secretary Aisling Hutchinson, SETU Carlow was thanked for her service on the committee. The new IBUG secretary elected was Bridie Coleman, ATU Galway-Mayo, whilst Chairperson Patrick Brophy IADT was re-elected for another term.
After a networking lunch, Patrick Brophy gave an interesting demonstration of IADT’s APAT (Argos Powered Audit Tool).
The day concluded with a proposal for development of a Research broadsheet, with a suggestion for a working group to analyse the existing Argos Waterford Broadsheet and design a specification

IBUG Committee Members
Patrick Brophy – IADT, Chairperson
Aisling Hutchinson – SETU, Secretary
Marea Curtis – SETU
Sinéad Dunne – DKIT
Clodagh Kerin – EduCampus